Hair extensions have been around for a couple of decades with women leading the charge and reaping the benefits. As our culture and society explores equality and equity in various fields (theater, film, television, sports, etc) we at Big Kizzy Hair thought it would be fun and informative to see how the other half view and yes, even use hair extensions.
We utilized the latest technology (social media) to gather our data (poll) and are a little disappointed that some of the answers we received may just perpetuate gender cliches but this isn’t a scientific study so what we have is what we have. So without further delay...Men AND Hair Extensions!
What Men Really Think About Hair Extensions - The Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
Out of Sight, Out of Mind - When asked what men thought of hair extensions, in general, most said “They don’t think of them at all”. Only if the subject came up in conversation or if the extensions their date/partner wore did not match their natural hair, hair extension rarely reached their radar.
Keepin' it Real - There were a few men that believed using extensions was a deal breaker. They preferred their women to rock the locks their momma gave them. That said:
It’s Greek to Me - Almost all men could not tell when a women was wearing hair extensions. If they were applied correctly, matched the women’s natural hair, and was styled appropriately, the men were no wiser.
More Power to You - We were surprised to learn that many men had no qualms with hair extensions. If fact, quite a few were 100% behind whatever women wanted to do with their hair. The power of feminism y’all!
And during our polling and research we stumbled upon this fascinating article by NPR covering the latest trends in men hair, the “man weave”. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that what is making the “man weave” so popular among men echo what makes hair extensions so popular among women:
Hair Loss
Thinning Hair
Desire for more confidence
Return to Self
So at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what planet men and women are from because as humans we all want to feel good about yourselves, attract the eye of the person we’re crushing on, and love what we see in the mirror. Thank goodness things like hair extensions and man weaves exist to help us all achieve those goals!
Sunscreen for Your Hair: Get the scoop on how to care for your alternative hair during thing summer months.